Thursday Thang!

Upon reflection, perhaps the one character missing from HEAVENLY MOVES who is most sorely needed is a nutritionist!  Criminy, those twentysomething chicks in the '80s do NOT eat well.  (They will regret this in their thirties.)  But Hev, who is even less of a cook than she is a gourmand, does share with us one excellent recipe: 

"Ed's Cafe was an unabashedly local joint with no decor beyond mismatched tables and chairs, no menu other than what Ed felt like writing on the chalkboard, a scuffed up linoleum floor you didn't want to look at too closely and the finest blueberry pancakes on the West Coast. (The secret, per Ed, is to use the waffles recipe on the side of the Bisquick box, not the pancake one. You're welcome.)"

Pass the syrup.

© Amy Briant 2013



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